
Breakawave Platform

Breakawave’s Solution Platform is complimentary for both businesses and customers. Requests can be made for solutions and up to three of our vetted businesses will contact the customer to provide a solution.

Customers are entitled to choose the business that provides the best fit for their needs. We do however monitor customer requests to ensure all customer connections provided to Businesses in our network are valid and high quality.

Customers receive 5% of Breakawave’s fee as a solution reward from successful connections made via their account both directly on behalf of someone else. Should the customer request be made via a paid business account, the reward is doubled to 10% of Breakawave’s fee.


There are no fees to request solutions from Breakawave’s Solution Platform.

Preferred Businesses

Businesses that we connect customers to are referred to as our Preferred Businesses.

If you would like your services to be added to our Solution Platform, you can become a Preferred Business.

Set-up Fee

Breakawave charges a one-time $500+gst fee to onboard Preferred Businesses onto our platform.

The set-up fee includes:

  • Integrating your services into our Platform for our customers and Consultants

  • One Complimentary Business Consult plus one Customer Solution (value $400)

  • 10 Complimentary Connection Credits (value $100)

Connection Credit

A connection credits is valued at $10+gst.

To ensure customers receive a prompt response, all Preferred Businesses must have a minimum of 10 connection credits in their account at all times.

How are Connection Credits Used:

  1. When a customer requests a solution you offer, you will be notified of the request details along with a specified number of connection credits required to accept the customer connection.

  2. Upon accepting the customer connection, the specified number of connection credits will be deducted from your account.

  3. If you decline the request, no connection credits or penalty will be deducted from your account.

How are Connection Credits calculated?

  • The number of connection credits is calculated to be 2% of the initial request budget.

  • Connection Credit Tiers

    • Requests less than $500 = 0 Connection Credits

    • Requests $500 - $999 = 1 Connection Credits

    • Requests $1000 - $1,999 = 2 Connection Credits

    • Requests $2,000 - $4,999 = 4 Connection Credits

    • Requests $5,000 - $9,999 = 8 Connection Credits

    • Requests $10,000 - $19,999 = 20 Connection Credits

    • Requests over $20,000 - Contact Us

You can add connection credits to your account at anytime. Please contact us at

Success Fee

The Breakawave Success Fee is only paid on successful customer conversions. This success fee is agreed upon prior to signing our agreement.

As a guideline, for businesses that operates on a 30% sales and marketing budget, a proposed success fee would be 15%+gst, with 5-10% allocated to the customer as a discount or perk. The remaining 5-10% as a cost reduction to the business.